Hello!Firstly I want to say sorry to my class for being so very bad tempered and grumpy at the dry run and being so awful and scolding you guys.Sorry.I wanted to say sorry before I left but it's kinda hard to say sorry face to face sometimes.Ends up seeming insincere. Sigh...There are more people I want to say sorry to but I can't.Sigh...I know I haven't been particularly wonderful.Sorry for being so awful to you Natalie.I was just feeling really stressed but I shouldn't have been so scathing and sarcastic.I want to say sorry to Grace for being so awful to her and being mean.Sorry.And to everyone else I have hurt,sorry.This may sounds insincere but it is.I just kinda read something and it got me thinking.There are a few people that I take for granted. And I can be quite insensitive.And I know I shouldn't still be irritated with someone but I can't seem to get rid of the irritation sometimes.Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. But I think I've hurt this person more than I've realised.And I'm sorry.I just find it harder to connect this year.I'm not trying to be egotistical but I think there are people who get very demoralised by me and sometimes I think what I do doesn't help.Sigh....hmmmmm...I guess I just have to try to be more sensitive towards other people's feelings and be a nicer person.